
Represent Us – Nevada

Here you will find information about Represent Us in general and about our Nevada Chapters.

The business of Represent Us Nevada takes place at meetings both actual and virtual and in FB Groups both Private and Public. We also use email, text and phone calls. If you want to be part of the organization you will find links here to join the local and national organizations.

In late September of 2019, when this site was first created, the Carson City Chapter was the the most active chapter in Nevada with about 50 members. Since then Reno had a first organizing meeting and was getting geared up. If you look at the various supporters pages you will get an idea of how many of your neighbors are on board. Please add your name to the list.

If you are looking for the National Organization a click here will take you there.

This is a link to the website of the American Anti Corruption Act (AACA)

The Nevada Public Facebook Group

Please explore our site. Hopefully you will find the information you are looking for. If not, please let us know how we can make it better.